Cruiser Box Tudo sobre a Dongle Cruiser A melhor ferramenta para Sony Ericsson / LG3G / Sharp 3G |
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26/06/2008, 04:36:39 | #1 |
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SE A1 Fast Java Unlocker ...
Baixei o SE A1 Fast Java Unlocker para efetuar o desbloqueio de um sony W710i ... tem o manual em inglês, alguém ja usou ou
tem a tradução correta do procedimento ? SE A1 Fast Java Unlocker Supported interfaces: DCU-60 and DCU-65. Unlocking procedure (manual mode) Case 1 (appropriate rest-file is available) 1. Choose the phone model. 2. Connect the phone while holding its 'C' button. 3. Wait until the program finishes and asks you to continue the following steps: 4. Disconnect the cable from the phone. 5. Insert either a test-card or SIM-card which the phone accepts to the phone. - we recommend to use test-card, if you want to use a common SIM-card, make sure that: - the phone accepts the SIM-card - you know the PIN of the SIM-card 6. Power on the phone by pressing the power on/off button. 7. Go to the menu 'Entertainment' -> 'Games' and select/run the application 'executor' 8. Wait few seconds until the phone restarts by itself 9. Then the phone is unlocked, you may delete the 'executor' application from the phone Case 2 (rest-file not available) 1. Choose the phone model. 2. Connect the phone while holding its 'C' button. 3. Wait until the program performs operations. Then it asks you to continue the following steps: 4. Disconnect the cable from the phone. 5. Power on the phone by pressing the power on/off button. - this is required, because the rest-file is created during 6. Find the created rest-file in your phone file folders, with the following name: filename should look like: R1A001_CXC1250000_GENERIC_XX.rest 7. Download the rest-file into the following folder (see documentation): - you can download the rest-file by attaching the phone in mass-storage mode and just copying it, by attaching powered-on phone using PC-Suite application, via bluetooth file transfer, etc. - file is located in folder "Phone Memory \ Other" and "Card \ Other", if data-card is present The destination folder should look like: C:\Documents and Settings\<USER>\Application Data\Cruiser Suite\SE A1 Fast Java Unlocker After you copy the file, application informs: "Rest-file found" 8. Now the rest file is available, continue with Case 1 - rest-file available procedure Unlocking procedure (automatic mode) Obrigado... |