MXKEY / MXBOX (HTI) Tudo sobre a MXBOX (HTI) e MX-Key dongle. |
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04/05/2010, 09:49:26 | #34 |
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MXKEY BLADE-X server system information
MXKEY BLADE-X server system information
We intruduced 2 types of credits for MXKEY BLADE-X server system: 1. DCT4 credits used for DCT4PLUS SIMRPL (also known as DCT4PLUS unlock RSA) and soon 2. BB5 credits used for BlackBerry MEP calc, BB5 SD repair, BB5 SD AUTH, BB5 SIM RPL, BB5 NCK CALC and soon Credits works in this way: 1. MXKEY wich have less then 99 credits, 1 (one) credit will be decreased for each operation that are respectively assigned for. 2. MXKEY who have 100 credits or more, credits will not be decreased for operation that are respectively assigned for. As gratitude for the dedication shown by those who have supported us and have activated the unlock DCT4PLUS: All MXKEY wich activated or purchased already dct4plus before the MXKEY update v3.4 revision 1.0 received FREE 100 dct4 credits and 100 bb5 credits. Note: BlackBerry MEP calc work ONLY for MXKEY wich have 100 BB5 credits As gratitude for the dedication shown by those who have not activated the unlock DCT4PLUS but still believed in us: All other MXKEY wich didn't activate dct4plus received for FREE 50 dct4 credits and 50 bb5 credits. This is server based update and no need any new exe file. Info for resellers: Control pannel for reseller changed also respectively, added sales options: - 50 DCT4 credits - 100 DCT4 credits - 50 BB5 credits - 100 BB5 credits Buy MXKEY DCT4 and BB5 credits only from: [Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links. Clica aqui para se registrar...] Buy MXKEY Dongle only from: [Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links. Clica aqui para se registrar...] Download from: MX-KEY - Official mirror [Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links. Clica aqui para se registrar...] also available in support area and download page MX-KEY official web sites: International - [Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links. Clica aqui para se registrar...](in construction) Indonesia -[Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links. Clica aqui para se registrar...] Russia - [Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links. Clica aqui para se registrar...] MX-KEY official support forums: World Wide:[Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links. Clica aqui para se registrar...] Indonesia: [Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links. Clica aqui para se registrar...] Philippine:[Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links. Clica aqui para se registrar...] Arabic world: [Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links. Clica aqui para se registrar...] [Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links. Clica aqui para se registrar...]
Equipe '' ABC do Tecnico '' ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Última edição por derbetty; 04/05/2010 às 09:51:41 |