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Não Lido 28/12/2011, 09:51:38   #31
Beni Amaral
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Padrão Redsn0w 0.9.10b2 (Beta2) Update Released!!

Redsn0w 0.9.10b2 (Beta2) Released
Update #2: The b2 version of redsn0w includes the launchctl-related fix by @planetbeing as mentioned by @saurik [Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links. Clica aqui para se registrar...] and[Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links. Clica aqui para se registrar...]. As usual, you can just re-run redsn0w in jailbreak mode over your existing 5.0.1 jailbreak (even a PwnageTool one), making sure to de-select “Install Cydia” if you do. Always be sure to do a controlled “slide to power off” shutdown of your device before running redsn0w.

Here are the redsn0w download links:
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Não Lido 29/12/2011, 10:32:02   #32
Beni Amaral
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Padrão Redsn0w 0.9.10b3(Beta 3) Update Released!!

Redsn0w 0.9.10b3(Beta 3) released for Unthetered 5.0.1
Update #3: The b3 version of redsn0w fixes a problem where re-running redsn0w over an existing jailbreak would cause MobileSubstrate-based apps to stop running until MS was installed again. Now you can re-run the redsn0w jailbreak step without worrying about that (but still remember to de-select the “Install Cydia” option if it’s already installed).
TIP: If auto-detection fails and redsn0w tells you no identifying data was found, you can always pre-select the [Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links. Clica aqui para se registrar...] using “Extras->Select IPSW”.


Update # 3: A versão do redsn0w b3 corrige um problema em re-executar redsn0w sobre um jailbreak existentes causaria MobileSubstrate aplicativos baseados em parar de correr até MS foi instalado novamente. Agora você pode re-executar o passo de jailbreak redsn0w sem se preocupar com isso (mas ainda me lembro de-selecione a opção "Install Cydia" opção se ele já está instalado).
DICA: Se a auto-detecção falhar e você não diz redsn0w dados de identificação foi encontrado, você sempre pode pré-selecionar o apropriado 5.0.1 IPSW usando
"Extras-> Select IPSW".

Here are the redsn0w download links:
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Não Lido 16/01/2012, 10:36:43   #33
Beni Amaral
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Padrão Redsn0w 0.9.10b4 Update Released!!

Redsn0w 0.9.10b4 has Released - New With iBooks Fix
According to latest news, newest Redsnow is Redsn0w 0.9.10 b4!
1.0.5 Corona update is now live in Cydia which resolves the iBooks issue, along with the launchd socket issue. An initial update to version 1.0.4 briefly went live in Cydia, before Saurik added a force reboot on upgrade and pushed a new version taking Corona to the current 1.0.5 release.
If you have Corona installed as part of your untethered iOS 5.0.1 experience, then head over to Cydia now and simply upgrade to the latest version to fix iBooks and other bugs…”
“MuscleNerd of iPhone Dev-Team has just updated Redsn0w for both Windows and Mac to version 0.9.10b4 which incorporates the above fix for both iBooks and launched. The fix can be installed by simply re-running (uncheck Cydia option) this new version of Redsn0w over the existing jailbreak.”


Segundo as últimas notícias, o mais novo Redsnow é Redsn0w 0.9.10 b4!
"1.0.5 atualização Corona está agora a viver no Cydia que resolve a questão iBooks, juntamente com a questão tomada launchd. Uma atualização inicial para a versão 1.0.4 rapidamente foi ao ar no Cydia, Saurik antes adicionou uma reinicialização vigor em atualizar e empurrou uma nova versão tomando Corona com o lançamento 1.0.5 atual.
Se você tiver instalado Corona como parte de sua untethered iOS 5.0.1 experiência, então vá ao Cydia agora e simplesmente atualizar para a versão mais recente para corrigir iBooks e outros bugs ... "
"MuscleNerd do iPhone Dev-Team acabou de atualizar Redsn0w para Windows e Mac para 0.9.10b4 versão que incorpora a correção acima para ambos os iBooks e lançou. A correção pode ser instalado simplesmente re-running (desmarque a opção Cydia) esta nova versão do Redsn0w sobre o jailbreak existentes.

Redsnow 0.9.10 b4 Works with such iDevices:
  • iPhone 3GS
  • iPhone 4
  • iPhone 4-CDMA
  • iPad 1
  • iPod Touch
  • iPod Touch 3G
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Não Lido 13/02/2012, 11:41:46   #34
Beni Amaral
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Padrão Redsn0w_win_0.9.10b5c Update Released!!

Updates #5b and #5c: Version b5b fixes an issue with using custom ramdisks on iPhone3G and iPod2G, and version b5c prevents redsn0w from crashing due to the ever-growing ramdisk size .
TIP: If auto-detection fails and redsn0w tells you no identifying data was found, you can always pre-select the appropriate 5.0.1 IPSW using “Extras->Select IPSW”.
Here are the redsn0w download links:

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Não Lido 08/03/2012, 02:52:24   #35
Beni Amaral
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Padrão Jailbreak(Thetered) iOS 5.1 with Redsn0w 0.9.10b6!!

Jailbreak(Thetered) iOS 5.1 with Redsn0w 0.9.10b6
Jailbreak iOS 5.1 with Redsn0w 0.9.10b6 for iPhone 4 / 3GS – iPad 1 / 2 – iPod Touch But note that is a Tethered Jailbreak Only.
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As you can see, it really is a nuanced landscape so it’s sometimes hard to drive the message home to new jailbreakers. But the basic rule is the simplest (and it’s better to be safe than sorry!): If you update to 5.1 you’ll very likely lose your jailbreak, so don’t do it! Exceptions are noted above.

Now let’s see what Apple unveils today!
Update #1: First, please read and re-read the above warnings! With all of that in mind, we realize that some of you non-A5 jailbreakers are itching to get to 5.1, even though there seems to be no compelling new feature there. Because of geohot’s limera1n exploit, those with devices earlier than the iPad2 can test the 5.1 jailbreak waters if they really want to, using redsn0w 0.9.10b6. Here’s what you need to know:
  • This is a *tethered* 5.1 jailbreak for non-A5 devices. You’ll need to use redsn0w to “Just Boot” your device every time it power cycles, otherwise jailbreak apps won’t work (neither will Safari).
  • If you use ultrasn0w for your carrier unlock, be sure to use a custom IPSW to get to 5.1 first! Don’t ever restore to a stock Apple IPSW! Use redsn0w’s “Custom IPSW” button to create a NO_BB_* version of the 5.1 IPSW and restore to that instead of the stock one. (That option is available only to 3GS and iPhone4-GSM owners.) ultrasn0w itself will be updated for 5.1 in the next few days (same baseband support, not 5.1’s baseband).
  • If you’re lucky enough to have an old-bootrom 3GS, this jailbreak is actually untethered (redsn0w will figure that part out automatically).
  • While we were at it, we added @pod2g’s steaks4uce exploit to support MC models of the iPod touch 2G (whose last firmware was 4.2.1). So now redsn0w will auto-detect and jailbreak all versions of that older device.
  • iBooks won’t work until a future update of redsn0w
Jailbreak iOS 5.1 with Redsn0w 0.9.10b6 :

First :
Download iOS 5.1 for your A4 Device:

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Here are the redns0w download links:
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Não Lido 16/04/2012, 08:47:48   #36
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Padrão [Update] Redsn0w 0.9.10b6b Fixing Bugs

[Update] Redsn0w 0.9.10b6b Fixing Bugs

Hoje iPhone Dev Team acaba de lançou uma nova atualização para seus Redsn0w jailbreak conhecidos ferramenta que desbloqueios dispositivos A4, hoje o iPhone Dev Team acaba de anunciar em seu blog oficial que lançou uma nova versão de atualização Redsn0w que traz o software Redsn0w para 0,9 0,10 B6B. Enquanto se você está perguntando o que há de novo nesta versão que eu lhe diria que não há nada novo, exceto corrigir alguns problemas de erros para aqueles caras que estão executando o Redsn0w 0n Mac OS X.

Nota do desenvolvedor:
"Atualizar # 1b: A versão OS X do redsn0w foi atualizado para corrigir um problema para aqueles rodando Mac OS X 10.5.x ou anterior."

E como eu disse acima Redsn0w 0.9.10b6b ainda não suporta qualquer um dos dispositivos de A5 (iPhone 4S e iPad 2), para aqueles usuários que estão no iOS 5.1 irá ficar sem jailbreak por um tempo, mas os usuários A4 no firmware ainda são limitados para um hack presa. Então, agora se você está enfrentando alguns problemas com Redsn0w eu aconselho você a instalar versões mais recentes do Redsn0w em seu computador Mac.

Windows: [Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links. Clica aqui para se registrar...]
MAC OSx: [Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links. Clica aqui para se registrar...]

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Você pode nos seguir no [Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links. Clica aqui para se registrar...], se juntar á nossa [Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links. Clica aqui para se registrar...] e ver nossos vídeos no [Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links. Clica aqui para se registrar...] e se manter super atualizado sobre as últimas novidades Apple.
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Não Lido 20/04/2012, 11:13:37   #37
Beni Amaral
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Padrão Redsn0w 0.9.10b7 Update Released!!

Redsn0w 0.9.10b7 released now supports iPhone 4S and iPad 2 and collection of useful

Update # 2:

0.9.10b7 versão do redsn0w adiciona uma coleção de características úteis:

• Por último, implementa o jailbreak corona A5 para iPhone4S e iPad2 dispositivos ainda em 5.0.1.

• Também pode re-instalar esse jailbreak para aqueles que, acidentalmente, desinstalei o untether.

• Ao costurar um IPSW, ele pode agora pegar suas gotas diretamente do Cydia.

• Ele agora mostra informações muito mais sobre o seu dispositivo (por exemplo, se o seu iPhone3G tem o carregador de boot vulnerável baseband, ou se os seus iPhone3GS tem o bootrom antigo explorável.

Próximo novos recursos

• O suporte integrado de restauração, para oferecer uma alternativa ao iTunes restaura.

Redns0w Download Links:
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Última edição por Beni Amaral; 20/04/2012 às 11:16:27
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Não Lido 23/04/2012, 11:22:53   #38
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Padrão Redsn0w 0.9.10b8b-[back-up your Sam Unlocking tickets]

Redsn0w 0.9.10b8b-[back-up your Sam Unlocking tickets]

Update #3:
redsn0w 0.9.10b8 adds the ability to backup arbitrary directories or files from your device into a zip file on your Mac or PC. The new button is Extras->Even More->Backup and it requires your device to be jailbroken with the afc2 service enabled (most jailbreaks include that). By default it will backup your activation records from /var/root/Library/Lockdown, which is useful for everyone taking advantage of today’s [Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links. Clica aqui para se registrar...] (more on that in a later post!).

Update #3b:
The 0.9.10b8b update to redsn0w makes the zip files more compatible with the native Windows explorer (which doesn’t like leading slashes in the filenames).

Here are the redns0w download links:

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Não Lido 11/05/2012, 12:50:31   #39
Beni Amaral
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Padrão RedSn0w 0.9.11b1 Downgrade iPad2/3 and iPhone 4S!!

[ RedSn0w 0.9.11b1 ] Download & Procedure

MuscleNerd ‏

Lost your jailbreak on an A5 device? redsn0w 0.9.11b1 can now downgrade iPad2/3 and 4S... see [Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links. Clica aqui para se registrar...] for details
What’s old is new again!

Jailbreakers with devices that pre-date the iPad2 will always be able to downgrade (with SHSH blobs) to previous firmware versions due to geohot’s limera1n exploit, which allows us to bypass the restrictions that Apple places on restores. But until now, that ability has been limited to those older devices (if you have an older device and don’t know how to do that, check the popular tutorial sites or ask in the comments below).

Starting with redsn0w version 0.9.11b1, those with newer devices (iPad2, iPad3, and iPhone4S) can join the downgrade fun too! In a radical departure from previous versions of redsn0w, it now directly supports restoring IPSWs to your device. The first use of this new feature implements a hack that allows A5 downgrades without a bootrom-level exploit.

Some important points:

•The new feature is at Extras->Even More->Restore

•You cannot downgrade without the personalized SHSH blobs for your device at that lower firmware. You need to have fetched those blobs while the signing window was open, using either Cydia’s built-in TSS@Home feature, or with TinyUmbrella. The new Restore screen of redsn0w lets you choose either the remote blobs or local ones (for the earlier firmware). If you don’t know where TinyUmbrella put your blobs, TinyUmbrella has a button that will show you (copy them out of that folder and feed them to redsn0w).

•The A5 downgrade method actually updates to the latest firmware before downgrading to the earlier one. This process updates your baseband to whatever is newest. DO NOT USE THIS METHOD IF YOU RELY ON UNOFFICIAL UNLOCKS of your iPhone4S. Those who used the temporary SAM technique to unlock their iPhones to specific SIMs shouldn’t be affected by this baseband update.

•This method can be fixed by Apple with a firmware update. It’s a (pleasant) mystery why they haven’t fixed it yet, because reverse-engineering of the restore ramdisk indicates they do know about it. It’s possibly too niche to bother to fix right now.

•The least-tested devices with this method are the iPad2,3 and iPad3,2 (because we don’t have those models). If you do and you feel like experimenting, please let us know how it turns out in the comment section below!

•This update involves a bunch of new redsn0w code. We recommend sticking to the previous version 0.9.10b8b unless you’re specifically using this new feature, until all the bugs are worked out! (Note: If redsn0w gets stuck at the “Waiting for device” stage for more than 30 seconds, you’ve hit a pesky GUI bug…that will be fixed in an upcoming version!)
Of course all eyes are on @pod2g for his upcoming 5.1 untethered jailbreak. Watch his blog or twitter feed for the latest updates about that, but in the meantime if you accidentally updated your jailbroken A5 device to something later than 5.0.1, feel free to try this new A5 firmware downgrade feature of redsn0w!

Update #1: We accidentally left out one of the two flavors (“9A406”) of 5.0.1 for iPhone4S. It’ll be in the next update, but in the meantime check if Cydia or TU saved your blobs for the other 5.0.1 for iPhone4S (“9A405”).

Here are the redns0w download links:

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Step 1: Launch the new Redsn0w 0.9.11b1 (Windows / Mac).

Step 2: Connect your iOS device to your PC or Mac using the 30-pin USB cable.

Step 3: Now, click on Extras.

Step 4: You will be taken to a new screen, now click on Even More.

Step 5: Click on Restore.

Step 6: You should now see three different options on the screen; IPSW, Local and Remote. Click on IPSW, and point Redsn0w to the firmware file to which you want to downgrade to. Redsn0w will then ask you for the stock iOS 5.1.1 firmware.

Step 7a: If you have your blobs saved locally, then simply click on Local and point Redsn0w to the .plist file containing the SHSH blobs for your device. Move on to Step 7b if you don’t have your blobs saved locally.

Step 7b: Click on Remote if your blobs are saved on Cydia. Redsn0w should automatically put your device into Recovery mode to fetch the necessary files from Cydia’s servers.

Step 8: Click Next.

Step 9: At this point, Redsn0w will automatically stitch the SHSH blobs to the IPSW firmware file which you provided, and then it will automatically restore to it. Sit back, the process might take a while depending on your PC or Mac.

Step 10: That’s it, you’re done.
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Não Lido 12/05/2012, 11:51:35   #40
Beni Amaral
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Padrão Redsn0w 0.9.11b2 downgrade iPad2/3 and 4S Update released!!

[update]Redsn0w 0.9.11b2 can now downgrade iPad2/3 and 4S
[update]Redsn0w 0.9.11b2 can now downgrade iPad2/3 and 4S
5x redux

What’s old is new again!

Jailbreakers with devices that pre-date the iPad2 will always be able to downgrade (with SHSH blobs) to previous firmware versions due to geohot’s limera1n exploit, which allows us to bypass the restrictions that Apple places on restores. But until now, that ability has been limited to those older devices (if you have an older device and don’t know how to do that, check the popular tutorial sites or ask in the comments below).

Starting with redsn0w version 0.9.11b1, those with newer devices (iPad2, iPad3, and iPhone4S) can join the downgrade fun too! In a radical departure from previous versions of redsn0w, it now directly supports restoring IPSWs to your device. The first use of this new feature implements a hack that allows A5 downgrades without a bootrom-level exploit.

Some important points

  • You cannot downgrade without the personalized SHSH blobs for your device at that lower firmware. You need to have fetched those blobs while the signing window was open, using either Cydia’s built-in TSS@Home feature, or with TinyUmbrella. The new Restore screen of redsn0w lets you choose either the remote blobs or local ones (for the earlier firmware). If you don’t know where TinyUmbrella put your blobs, TinyUmbrella has a button that will show you (copy them out of that folder and feed them to redsn0w).
  • The A5 downgrade method actually updates to the latest firmware before downgrading to the earlier one. This process updates your baseband to whatever is newest. DO NOT USE THIS METHOD IF YOU RELY ON UNOFFICIAL UNLOCKS of your iPhone4S. Those who used the temporary SAM technique to unlock their iPhones to specific SIMs shouldn’t be affected by this baseband update.
  • This method can be fixed by Apple with a firmware update. It’s a (pleasant) mystery why they haven’t fixed it yet, because reverse-engineering of the restore ramdisk indicates they do know about it. It’s possibly too niche to bother to fix right now.
  • The least-tested devices with this method are the iPad2,3 and iPad3,2 (because we don’t have those models). If you do and you feel like experimenting, please let us know how it turns out in the comment section below!
  • This update involves a bunch of new redsn0w code. We recommend sticking to the previous version 0.9.10b8b unless you’re specifically using this new feature, until all the bugs are worked out! (Note: If redsn0w gets stuck at the “Waiting for device” stage for more than 30 seconds, you’ve hit a pesky GUI bug…that will be fixed in an upcoming version!)

Of course all eyes are on @pod2g for his upcoming 5.1 untethered jailbreak. Watch his [Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links. Clica aqui para se registrar...] or twitter feed for the latest updates about that, but in the meantime if you accidentally updated your jailbroken A5 device to something later than 5.0.1, feel free to try this new A5 firmware downgrade feature of redsn0w!

Update #1:
We accidentally left out one of the two flavors (“9A406”) of 5.0.1 for iPhone4S. It’ll be in the next update, but in the meantime check if Cydia or TU saved your blobs for the other 5.0.1 for iPhone4S (“9A405”). Version 0.9.11b2 adds support for that second “9A406” flavor of 5.0.1 for the iPhone4S

Here are the redns0w download links:
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