19/01/2006, 09:45:01 | #1 |
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c60 não liga
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Estou com um C60 e no Freia 9 ele apresenta o seguinte, quando tento aplicar um bootcore ou eeprom ou mesmo firmware: FREIA - Engine build 9, Frontend build 3 Thanks goes out for the following: Maxim, Rolis, Sergey, PapaJoe, Lead, TheWizard, Jozso (for hardware and cable support and of course beta testing), Nico, Victor, Pinker, Tom, and all the others who supports ... Usage: freia C45 cmd1 arg1 cmd2 arg2 ... - setredirection(sr) N1 : sets redirection - setdebuglevel(sd) N1 : sets debuglevel - comapp(ca) N1 : sets comport of cable - comapptype(cat) N1 N2 : sets type of comport of cable - comdng(cd) N1 : sets comport of dongle - speed(s) N1 : overrides default speed of comport - emulate(e) S1 : turns on emulation from KSI file - rawemulate(re) S1 : turns on emulation from FLS file - nomap(nm) : disables map saving during unlock - noupdate(nu) : disables eeprom update during unlock - backup(b) : backups maps of phone - unlock(u) S1 : unlocks phone - unlockfromlog(ul) S1 : unlocks phone from a log file - writemap(wm) S1 : writes map to phone - read(r) N1 N2 : reads flash and saves it as KSI - rawread(rr) N1 N2 : reads flash and saves it as FLS - write(w) S1 N1 N2 : writes to phone from KSI file - rawwrite(rw) S1 N1 N2 N3 : writes to phone from FLS file - decrypt(d) : decrypt EEPROM blocks - decryptfrommap(dm) S1 : decrypts EEPROM blocks from a map file - locktoprovider(ltp) N1 N2 : sets provider's code - checkchecksums(cc) S1 : checks checksums - fixchecksums(fc) S1 : fixes checksums - backupbattery(bb) : backups phone's battery parameters - setbattery(sb) S1 : restores phone's battery parameters - read(rm) N1 N2 : reads memory and saves it as KSI - rawread(rrm) N1 N2 : reads memory and saves it as FLS - writelog(wl) : writes log of phone - updateflashimei(ufi) : updates original IMEI during unlock (if possible) - unlockfrommassoflog(uml) S1 : generates mass of unlock maps - boottype(bt) N1 : sets booting type - patchbootcore(pb) S1 N1 : patches bootcore - getdevinfo(gdi) : gets dongle info - setdevinfo(sdi) S1 : sets dongle info - updatedev(ud) S1 : updates dongle - testdev(td) : tests dongle - closeatonce(cao) : closes console application at once Alguém poderia me ajudar a resolver isso? Detalhe: consegui, com grande êxito, o desbloqueio do mesmo; o programa aceitou o test point que fiz... blz mas aplicar esses arquivos para revivê-lo nada... o ap. apresenta o sintoma de quando aperta a tecla power e faz um barulhinho e desliga.... e o interessante é que quando mando ler o bootcore, eeprom e firmware, o programa lê tudo direitinho mas não escreve... o que será??? Muito obrigado. :?
Nada, absolutamente nada é capaz de vencer aquele cujo propósito é firme no Senhor! Marivaldo Sousa - técnico em eletrônica - CREA-BA 42319 |
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