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Universal Box (UB) Tudo sobre a Universal Box (UB)

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Não Lido 01/06/2010, 02:43:46   #51
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UniversalBox 2.8.8 Update

New functions:

  • Added BlackBerry unlock function
  • Added Nokia flash file download by variant, so you can check all available versions, and language packages.
How it works?

Install drivers
Click "Read unlock codes"
Connect phone to computer
Unlock using calculated codes

BlackBerry unlock costs 15 credits, but you can activate unlimited free unlock for 100 credits.

...more will come soon...
Bets regards: UB Team
Box: UFSxHWK, Universal Box, MT-Box Nokia, MX-Key, Pkey, UST Pro 2, Z3X, Smart-Clip+Scard, SETool, Cruiser Pro 2, Vygis, Polar Box 2, Infinity, Spiderman + USB Pin Finder, Ultima Box Light
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Não Lido 03/08/2010, 04:10:30   #52
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Dear Users,

We are glad to inform you about our new SL3 unlock service. It is available for all UniversalBox customers from now.

Supported hashes are:
  • 38F312750F686F9FC9B1B3778774A195
  • 9A28E119033B91D14D22838C86D0D53C
  • 9DDBFCFE6E73CED7D8C6268C8EB85723
  • A5404AE83A594ECADEE532F0C236BFA6
  • BAF3A9C3DBFA8454937DB77F2B8852B1
  • CAEEBB65D3C48E6DC73B49DC5063A2EE
  • E9EFF4BFAA5393217CA6B17755FC3E14
  • F2D76DFAFD66C7F195F278417DF05888
  • F682624FFB08F6D955DBE7D9C0485084
  • FCB5C510AF7F09F313D9BDE85A707CC0
Few models from supported hashes:
- 2700 Classic
- 2730 Classic
- 2730c-1b
- 2690c
- 3600 Slide v56.26 – v57.23
- 3720 Classic
- 5130 XpressMusic
- 5310 XpressMusic v58.58 – v59.42
- 5730s
- 6300 v57.20
- 6303 Classic
- 6500 Slide v59.60
- 6500 Classic v59.45
- N97
- N97 mini

How can I use this service?
It is really simple. Connect your phone with F-Bus cable to UB and press SL3 unlock button. Your query will be calculated at server side. Normally it should be calculated within few hours (30 min-4 hour), but it extreme cases it could take up to few days also. It depends on how many users are before you in the list.
Currently we are able to unlock 500 phones daily, but this limit will be more in future.

Can I repair SL3 phones with invalid lock area?
No, you can not, because we are not supporting SL3 simlock repair function.

It is free or costs credits?
It costs credits after each unlocked phone. If it not possible to unlock your phone, then you will get your credits back. This has 0,1% chance, so not so much.

Can I unlock with old credits, or should I buy new SL3 credits?
You can use both, but you will have better price if you use new SL3 credit.
One unlock costs less with new SL3 credit. SL3 credits can be used only for SL3 unlock procedure.
Old credits are more universal, because can be used for SL3 and also for currently running services. (DCT4, BlackBerry, etc...)
About actual pricing please check our pricing table bellow, or visit [Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links. Clica aqui para se registrar...].

Users who feel the prices to high etc, please don't spam just skip this service and unlock old phones.

Best regards: UB Team
Box: UFSxHWK, Universal Box, MT-Box Nokia, MX-Key, Pkey, UST Pro 2, Z3X, Smart-Clip+Scard, SETool, Cruiser Pro 2, Vygis, Polar Box 2, Infinity, Spiderman + USB Pin Finder, Ultima Box Light
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Não Lido 03/08/2010, 06:50:51   #53
wilson ribeiro silva
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Caros usuários, Temos o prazer de

informá-lo sobre o nosso novo SL3 desbloquear serviço. Temos o prazer de sobre o nosso Ele está disponível para todos os clientes UniversalBox partir de agora. hashes suportados são: Poucos modelos



hashes suportados: - 2700 Classic - 2730 Classic - 2730c -1b -
2690c - 3600 Slide
v56.26 - v57.23 -

Classic - 5130 XpressMusic

- 5310 Ele está disponível para todos os clientes partir agora. suportados são: Poucos modelos 2700 2730 2730c-1b 3600 Slide 5130 XpressMusic XpressMusic v58.58 - v59.42 -
5730s - 6300
v57.20 -
Classic -
6500 v59.60 - 6500 Classic v59.45 - N97

- N97 mini Como posso usar este serviço? É realmente

simples. 6300
Como posso usar este serviço? É realmente Conecte seu celular com o cabo Bus -F e pressione a UB SL3 desbloquear botão. Conecte seu celular o cabo Bus-F e pressione Sua consulta será calculado no lado do servidor. Sua consulta será calculado lado do servidor. Normalmente, devem ser calculados dentro de poucas horas (30 min , 4 horas ), mas casos extremos, pode levar até alguns dias também. devem ser calculados dentro de poucas horas (30 min, 4 horas), mas casos extremos, pode levar até alguns dias Depende de quantos usuários estão antes na lista.
Atualmente, são capazes de desbloquear os telefones 500 diária, mas esse limite será mais no futuro. Posso reparar

telefones SL3 com área de bloqueio é inválido? Não , você não pode, porque nós Depende de quantos usuários estão na lista. são capazes de os diária, mas esse limite mais no futuro. Posso reparar com área de bloqueio é inválido?
Não, você não pode, porque nós não estão suportando a função de reparação simlock SL3 . É livre ou créditos

Custa créditos após cada aparelho desbloqueado . não estão a função de reparação SL3. É livre ou créditos créditos após aparelho desbloqueado. Se não é possível desbloquear o telefone , então você vai ter seus créditos de volta. não é possível desbloquear o telefone, então você vai ter seus créditos de volta. Isto tem 0,1 % de chance , não tanto .

Posso desbloquear com créditos de idade, ou devo comprar novos créditos SL3 ? Você pode usar tanto , mas você vai ter um melhor preço, se você usa o crédito
SL3 novo.
Um desbloquear menos custos Isto tem 0,1% de chance, não tanto. com de idade, ou devo comprar novos SL3? Você pode usar tanto, mas você vai ter um melhor preço, se você usa o crédito menos custos com crédito SL3 novo. com crédito SL3 créditos só podem ser utilizados
para destravar SL3 procedimento. Old créditos são mais universal, porque pode ser usado para SL3 e também para serviços em execução . só podem ser utilizados são mais pode ser usado e também serviços em execução. ( DCT4 , BlackBerry , etc ..) sobre o preço
real consulte a nossa tabela de preços abaixo, ou visite [Somente usuários registrados podem ver os links. Clica aqui para se registrar...] .

usuário que sentem a preços elevados , etc , por favor não spam simplesmente ignorar este serviço e desbloquear os telefones antigos . (DCT4, BlackBerry, etc sobre o preço consulte a nossa tabela de ou visite que sentem a elevados, etc, por favor não simplesmente ignorar este serviço e desbloquear os telefones antigos. Atenciosamente :

Equipe UB Atenciosamente:

Última edição por wilson ribeiro silva; 03/08/2010 às 06:57:57
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Não Lido 25/08/2010, 01:26:07   #54
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Padrão UB SL3 prices are affected

Dear customers,

We would like to inform you about price cut in SL3 unlock.
For some models we have adjusted the prices as follows:

2700 - 115 SL3 credits
2730 - 115 SL3 credits
2690c - 115 SL3 credits

3600s - 125 SL3 credits
3720 - 125 SL3 credits
5130 - 125 SL3 credits
5310 - 125 SL3 credits
6300 - 125 SL3 credits
6303c - 125 SL3 credits
6500s - 125 SL3 credits
6500c - 125 SL3 credits

5730 - 135 SL3 credits

N97 - 150 SL3 credits (NOT CHANGED)
N97 mini - 150 SL3 credits (NOT CHANGED)

Onyl SL3 credits are affected!

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Não Lido 30/08/2010, 11:18:23   #55
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Padrão >> Universalbox New BlackBerry meps

>> Universalbox New BlackBerry meps
Dear Universalbox Users,

we have added these new MEPs for our Blackberry unlock function.
Enjoy UB.


..so here is the complete list from all available MEPs which are supported by UB

  • MEP-06041-011
  • MEP-24667-002
  • MEP-30218-002
  • MEP-33006-002
  • MEP-04103-001
  • MEP-04103-002
  • MEP-04103-004
  • MEP-04104-004
  • MEP-04104-006
  • MEP-04104-007
  • MEP-04598-003
  • MEP-04598-005
  • MEP-04626-001
  • MEP-04626-002
  • MEP-05277-002
  • MEP-05277-004
  • MEP-05277-005
  • MEP-06041-004
  • MEP-06041-005
  • MEP-06041-006
  • MEP-06041-007
  • MEP-06041-008
  • MEP-06041-009
  • MEP-06041-010
  • MEP-06068-002
  • MEP-06259-003
  • MEP-06423-001
  • MEP-06424-002
  • MEP-06812-001
  • MEP-06812-003
  • MEP-06812-004
  • MEP-06813-001
  • MEP-06813-002
  • MEP-06814-001
  • MEP-06814-004
  • MEP-06814-005
  • MEP-06849-002
  • MEP-06899-002
  • MEP-07321-002
  • MEP-07484-003
  • MEP-07484-004
  • MEP-07484-005
  • MEP-07484-006
  • MEP-07484-007
  • MEP-07705-002
  • MEP-07705-003
  • MEP-07723-001
  • MEP-07723-003
  • MEP-07723-004
  • MEP-07723-005
  • MEP-07723-006
  • MEP-07723-007
  • MEP-07754-001
  • MEP-08209-001
  • MEP-08209-003
  • MEP-08448-002
  • MEP-08589-001
  • MEP-08881-001
  • MEP-08882-001
  • MEP-08918-001
  • MEP-09070-001
  • MEP-09149-001
  • MEP-09292-001
  • MEP-09292-002
  • MEP-09292-003
  • MEP-09292-004
  • MEP-09292-005
  • MEP-09293-001
  • MEP-09625-001
  • MEP-09667-001
  • MEP-09690-001
  • MEP-09747-001
  • MEP-09783-003
  • MEP-09821-001
  • MEP-09821-002
  • MEP-09821-003
  • MEP-09917-001
  • MEP-09938-001
  • MEP-10073-001
  • MEP-10129-002
  • MEP-10129-003
  • MEP-10129-004
  • MEP-10129-005
  • MEP-11016-001
  • MEP-11246-001
  • MEP-11246-002
  • MEP-11414-001
  • MEP-11414-002
  • MEP-11534-002
  • MEP-11534-004
  • MEP-11534-005
  • MEP-11534-006
  • MEP-11534-007
  • MEP-11534-008
  • MEP-12209-003
  • MEP-12209-004
  • MEP-12209-006
  • MEP-12209-007
  • MEP-12209-008
  • MEP-12488-001
  • MEP-12565-001
  • MEP-12599-003
  • MEP-12622-002
  • MEP-12907-002
  • MEP-12978-001
  • MEP-12980-001
  • MEP-12980-002
  • MEP-13188-001
  • MEP-13188-002
  • MEP-13188-006
  • MEP-13188-007
  • MEP-13188-008
  • MEP-13188-010
  • MEP-13710-001
  • MEP-13928-002
  • MEP-13990-001
  • MEP-14052-001
  • MEP-14052-002
  • MEP-14074-001
  • MEP-14074-002
  • MEP-14074-003
  • MEP-14260-002
  • MEP-14896-001
  • MEP-14896-002
  • MEP-14896-003
  • MEP-14896-004
  • MEP-14896-005
  • MEP-15159-001
  • MEP-15159-002
  • MEP-15326-001
  • MEP-15326-002
  • MEP-15343-001
  • MEP-16272-002
  • MEP-16272-003
  • MEP-16272-005
  • MEP-16352-001
  • MEP-16419-001
  • MEP-16472-001
  • MEP-16826-001
  • MEP-17232-001
  • MEP-17490-001
  • MEP-17568-002
  • MEP-18601-001
  • MEP-18637-001
  • MEP-19322-003
  • MEP-19877-001
  • MEP-20099-002
  • MEP-20099-004
  • MEP-20099-009
  • MEP-20166-001
  • MEP-20454-001
  • MEP-20669-001
  • MEP-21545-001
  • MEP-21878-001
  • MEP-22793-001
  • MEP-23361-001
  • MEP-24124-001
  • MEP-24409-002
  • MEP-24660-001
  • MEP-24667-001
  • MEP-24723-001
  • MEP-24723-002
  • MEP-26594-001
  • MEP-26900-003
  • MEP-27488-001
  • MEP-27501-003
  • MEP-28240-002
  • MEP-28364-001
  • MEP-28555-001
  • MEP-29080-002
  • MEP-29318-001
  • MEP-30218-001
  • MEP-30218-002
  • MEP-30638-001
  • MEP-30669-001
  • MEP-31845-001
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Não Lido 10/12/2010, 06:57:29   #56
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NEW MEP by UB >>MEP-08209-004<<
Dear Users,

We inform you that UB is the first to support a new Balckberry MEP:

...so we are currently supporting the following MEP's

  • MEP-04103-001
  • MEP-04103-002
  • MEP-04103-004
  • MEP-04104-003
  • MEP-04104-004
  • MEP-04104-005
  • MEP-04104-006
  • MEP-04104-007
  • MEP-04546-001
  • MEP-04598-003
  • MEP-04598-004
  • MEP-04598-005
  • MEP-04626-001
  • MEP-04626-002
  • MEP-04938-001
  • MEP-04938-002
  • MEP-05277-001
  • MEP-05277-002
  • MEP-05277-004
  • MEP-05277-005
  • MEP-06041-001
  • MEP-06041-003
  • MEP-06041-004
  • MEP-06041-005
  • MEP-06041-006
  • MEP-06041-007
  • MEP-06041-008
  • MEP-06041-009
  • MEP-06041-010
  • MEP-06041-011
  • MEP-06068-001
  • MEP-06068-002
  • MEP-06259-002
  • MEP-06259-003
  • MEP-06423-001
  • MEP-06424-001
  • MEP-06424-002
  • MEP-06529-001
  • MEP-06529-002
  • MEP-06530-001
  • MEP-06530-002
  • MEP-06810-002
  • MEP-06811-003
  • MEP-06812-001
  • MEP-06812-003
  • MEP-06812-004
  • MEP-06813-001
  • MEP-06813-002
  • MEP-06814-001
  • MEP-06814-002
  • MEP-06814-004
  • MEP-06814-005
  • MEP-06849-001
  • MEP-06849-002
  • MEP-06893-001
  • MEP-06899-001
  • MEP-06899-002
  • MEP-07321-002
  • MEP-07484-001
  • MEP-07484-002
  • MEP-07484-003
  • MEP-07484-004
  • MEP-07484-005
  • MEP-07484-006
  • MEP-07484-007
  • MEP-07705-002
  • MEP-07705-003
  • MEP-07722-001
  • MEP-07722-002
  • MEP-07722-003
  • MEP-07723-001
  • MEP-07723-003
  • MEP-07723-004
  • MEP-07723-005
  • MEP-07723-006
  • MEP-07723-007
  • MEP-07754-001
  • MEP-08209-001
  • MEP-08209-002
  • MEP-08209-003
  • MEP-08209-004
  • MEP-08318-001
  • MEP-08395-001
  • MEP-08448-001
  • MEP-08448-002
  • MEP-08589-001
  • MEP-08881-001
  • MEP-08882-001
  • MEP-08918-001
  • MEP-09004-001
  • MEP-09070-001
  • MEP-09149-001
  • MEP-09292-001
  • MEP-09292-002
  • MEP-09292-003
  • MEP-09292-004
  • MEP-09292-005
  • MEP-09292-006
  • MEP-09292-008
  • MEP-09293-001
  • MEP-09625-001
  • MEP-09625-002
  • MEP-09667-001
  • MEP-09690-001
  • MEP-09747-001
  • MEP-09783-002
  • MEP-09783-003
  • MEP-09821-001
  • MEP-09821-002
  • MEP-09821-003
  • MEP-09917-001
  • MEP-09938-001
  • MEP-10073-001
  • MEP-10129-001
  • MEP-10129-002
  • MEP-10129-003
  • MEP-10129-004
  • MEP-10129-005
  • MEP-11016-001
  • MEP-11139-001
  • MEP-11139-002
  • MEP-11139-003
  • MEP-11139-004
  • MEP-11139-005
  • MEP-11139-006
  • MEP-11246-001
  • MEP-11246-002
  • MEP-11414-001
  • MEP-11414-002
  • MEP-11534-002
  • MEP-11534-004
  • MEP-11534-005
  • MEP-11534-006
  • MEP-11534-007
  • MEP-11534-008
  • MEP-12186-001
  • MEP-12209-003
  • MEP-12209-004
  • MEP-12209-006
  • MEP-12209-007
  • MEP-12209-008
  • MEP-12488-001
  • MEP-12565-001
  • MEP-12579-001
  • MEP-12579-002
  • MEP-12599-003
  • MEP-12622-002
  • MEP-12907-002
  • MEP-12978-001
  • MEP-12980-001
  • MEP-12980-002
  • MEP-13188-001
  • MEP-13188-002
  • MEP-13188-006
  • MEP-13188-007
  • MEP-13188-008
  • MEP-13188-010
  • MEP-13710-001
  • MEP-13928-001
  • MEP-13928-002
  • MEP-13988-001
  • MEP-13990-001
  • MEP-14052-001
  • MEP-14052-002
  • MEP-14074-001
  • MEP-14074-002
  • MEP-14074-003
  • MEP-14150-001
  • MEP-14260-001
  • MEP-14260-002
  • MEP-14896-001
  • MEP-14896-002
  • MEP-14896-003
  • MEP-14896-004
  • MEP-14896-005
  • MEP-15159-001
  • MEP-15159-002
  • MEP-15326-001
  • MEP-15326-002
  • MEP-15343-001
  • MEP-16272-002
  • MEP-16272-003
  • MEP-16272-005
  • MEP-16352-001
  • MEP-16419-001
  • MEP-16472-001
  • MEP-16826-001
  • MEP-17232-001
  • MEP-17490-001
  • MEP-17568-002
  • MEP-18601-001
  • MEP-18637-001
  • MEP-19322-003
  • MEP-19877-001
  • MEP-20099-002
  • MEP-20099-004
  • MEP-20099-009
  • MEP-20166-001
  • MEP-20454-001
  • MEP-20669-001
  • MEP-21545-001
  • MEP-21878-001
  • MEP-22793-001
  • MEP-23361-001
  • MEP-24124-001
  • MEP-24409-002
  • MEP-24660-001
  • MEP-24667-001
  • MEP-24667-002
  • MEP-24667-003
  • MEP-24723-001
  • MEP-24723-002
  • MEP-26594-001
  • MEP-26900-003
  • MEP-27488-001
  • MEP-27501-003
  • MEP-28240-002
  • MEP-28364-001
  • MEP-28555-001
  • MEP-29080-002
  • MEP-29318-001
  • MEP-30218-001
  • MEP-30218-002
  • MEP-30638-001
  • MEP-30669-001
  • MEP-31845-001
  • MEP-33006-002
  • MEP-34723-001
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Não Lido 25/03/2011, 05:24:20   #57
Beni Amaral
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Padrão SL3 new HASH unlock!!

SL3 new HASH unlock
Dear Customers,

Today we have released our web based SL3 unlock for all new HASH BB5 phones. We have set up a dedicated server park for these models. The current wait time is approximately 5 minutes for these unlocks.
The price is 150+15 SL3 credits because it is a web based solution, but we are going to release SW update as well and unlock cost will be 150 credits through UniversalBox. Until that it is recommended to get a UniversalBox.

Lets see how it works:

You can use Advance Box, Cyclone Box, MX-Key (Dejan's format going to be added tonight) to read SL3 log of your phone and then login at universalbox.com. Under 'SL3 queue' menu you can browse your SL3 log file and upload to the server with a single click. Our servers will do the rest.

Best Regards,
UniversalBox Team.


Caros clientes,

Hoje nós lançamos a nossa SL3 baseado na web para desbloquear os novos telefones BB5 HASH. Criámos um parque de servidor dedicado para esses modelos.
O tempo de espera atual é de aproximadamente 5 minutos para estes desbloqueia.
O preço é de 150 créditos de 15 SL3, porque é uma solução baseada na web, mas nós estamos indo para liberar atualização de SW bem e desbloquear o custo será de 150 créditos através Universalbox.
Até que é recomendado para obter uma Universalbox.

Vamos ver como isso funciona:

Você pode usar Advance Box, Cyclone Box, MX-Chave (formato Dejan vai ser adicionado à noite) para ler log SL3 do telefone e, em seguida, faça seu login na universalbox.com. Sob menu 'fila SL3' você pode ver o arquivo de log SL3 e fazer upload para o servidor com um único clique.
Nossos servidores farão o resto.

Equipe Universalbox.

Beni Amaral Soluções <>Equipe ABC DO TÉCNICO<>
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Não Lido 20/04/2011, 12:33:17   #58
Beni Amaral
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Padrão UniversalBox Update v2.9.2 (ALL RAPU BASED PHONES ARE SUPPORTED)!!


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Beni Amaral Soluções <>Equipe ABC DO TÉCNICO<>
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Não Lido 27/04/2011, 02:44:04   #59
Beni Amaral
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Padrão UB 47xx Rapido supported from now and many more!!!

UB 47xx Rapido supported from now and many more...
Dear Customers.

We are pleased to announce that ( Malformed data by N8, etc ) has been fixed . From now on 47xx Hash can be unlock from universalbox software.
All BB5 phones are supported and hash is not important anymore.
You don't need any 3rd party software to unlock this hash.
Just update your box and earn money so much as you want with UB. If you have any question please don't hesitate to contact with our team.

Note that Rx2 adapter is needed on most phones.

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Beni Amaral Soluções <>Equipe ABC DO TÉCNICO<>
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Não Lido 06/05/2011, 09:14:22   #60
Beni Amaral
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Padrão Universalbox update v2.9.3!!!

UNIVERSALBOX UPDATE V2.9.3 *All Plattforms(RAPU,RAPIDO,RAP3G) & hash are Supported*


UniversalBox pricing table

Beni Amaral Soluções <>Equipe ABC DO TÉCNICO<>
Evite contato via MP ou MSN,NÃO serão respondidos.
Acaso este tópico tenha sido útil, apenas clique agradecer!!

Última edição por Beni Amaral; 06/05/2011 às 09:18:27
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